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Here, we are sharing our experience and best practice of using DataFibers as well as other big data technology.

Leading Cloud Tech. Stack Comparison

on July 1, 2023

Introduction In today’s digital era, businesses are increasingly adopting cloud computing to scale their operations, enhance flexibility, and reduce costs. Among the major cloud service providers, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Oracle Cloud have emerged as dominant players in the market. Each offers a comprehensive cloud technology stack tailored to meet different business needs. In this blog, we’ll conduct a thorough comparison of these leading cloud technology stacks to help you make an informed decision when choosing the best-fit cloud provider for your organization.

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Embracing Kubernetes, Goodbye Spring Cloud

on June 19, 2021

I believe many developers, after familiarizing themselves with microservices, realized that they thought they had successfully built a microservices architecture empired with Spring Cloud. But after the popular of kubernetes (K8S), they were curious and exciting of creating the cloud native microservices serivces. The Era of Spring Boot and Cloud In October 2012, Mike Youngstrom created a feature request in Spring Jira to support a containerless web application architecture in the Spring Framework.

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Spark SQL in Depth

on April 28, 2021

In this article, we’ll look at how Spark SQL working on data queries in depth. Checking Execution Plan Data Preparing create database if not exists test; create table if not exists test.t_name (name string); insert into test.t_name values ('test1'),('test2'),('test3'); Test Code Preparing Below Scala code is used with testing with blocking at the standard input at the end. In this case, we can see more details from Spark WebUI.

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Apache Spark 3.1.1 Released :)

on March 10, 2021

Apache Spark 3.1.1 is released on March 2, 2021. It is milestone release for Spark in 2021. This version of spark keeps making it more efficient and stable. Below are highlighted new features and changes. Python usability ANSI SQL compliance Query optimization enhancements Shuffle hash join improvements History Server support of structured streaming Project Zen Project Zen was initiated in this release to improve PySpark’s usability in these three ways:

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