June 24, 2017
In the early of this September, the Chief Strategy Offer of Cloudera Mike Olson has announced that the next important initiatives for Couldera - One Platform to advance their investment on Apache Spark.
The Spark is originally invented by few guys who started up the Databrick. Later, Spark catches most attention from big data communities and companies by its high-performance in-memory computing framework, which can run on top of Hadoop Yarn. As a result, more and more companies start switching their MapReduce jobs to Spark and few of them already have big cluster deployed in production. Few months earlier, IBM has claimed that they would have 5000+ developers working in Apache Spark to make it better (It is heard that the core DB2 development force are reassigned to this new mission inside the IBM, not sure.). Clearly, the One Platform initiative is an echo for IBM’s saying from Cloudera who always believe itself a leader in the domain in big data. Cloudera is not likely to leave IBM alone to take this delicious fruit - Spark. We are waiting for more actions from other company, such as Hortonworks, MapR. I do not believe they just keep silent. Or maybe there is the underlying discussion to acquire the Databrick, who knows.
The One Platform initiative has covers four areas of efforts including security, scale, management, streaming. For more information regarding the One Platform initiative, please refer to the Cloudera post.