
Apache Kafka Producers

Kafka producers send records to topics. The records are sometimes referred to as messages. The producer picks which partition to send a record to per topic. The producer can send records round-robin. The producer could implement priority systems based on sending records to certain partitions based on the priority of the record. Generally speaking, producers send records to a partition based on the record’s key. The default partitioner for Java uses a hash of the record’s key to choose the partition or uses a round-robin strategy if the record has no key.

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Apache Kafka Consumers

Kafka consumer is what we use quite often to read data from Kafka. Here, we use this article to explain some key concepts and topics regarding to consumer architecture in Kafka. Consumer Groups We can always group consumers into a consumer group by use case or function of the group. One consumer group might be responsible for delivering records to high-speed, in-memory microservices while another consumer group is streaming those same records to Hadoop.

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Apache Kafka Overview

The big data processing started by focusing on the batch processing. Distributed data storage and querying tools like MapReduce, Hive, and Pig were all designed to process data in batches rather than continuously. Recently enterprises have discovered the power of analyzing and processing data and events as they happen instead of batches. Most traditional messaging systems, such as RabbitMq, neither scale up to handle big data in realtime nor use friendly with big data ecosystem.

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