
Big Data Books Reviews

Learning Spark SQL Level Ent. Level Mid. Level Adv. Published in Sep. 2017. Start reading it. Learning Apache Flink Level Ent. Level Mid. There are very few books about Apache Flink. Besides offical document, this is a good one for people who wants to know Flink quicker. This book, published in the earlier of 2017, covers most of core topics for Flink with examples.

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When to Disable Speculative Execution

Backgrounds This is the link from WikiMedia about what’s Speculative Execution. In Hadoop, the following parameters string are for this settings. And, they are true by default. mapred.map.tasks.speculative.execution mapred.reduce.tasks.speculative.execution When to Disable Most time, it helps. However, I am here to collect some scenario when we do not need it. Of course, when ever your cluster really in shortage of resource or for the purpose of experiment, we can disable them by setting them to false since “SE” really a big resource consumer It is generally advisable to turn off ”SE” for mapred jobs that use HBase as a source.

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