November 2, 2017
It is quite often that we need a unique identifier for each single rows in the Apache Hive tables. This is quite useful when you need such columns as surrogate keys in data warehouse, as the primary key for data or use as system nature keys. There are following ways of doing that in Hive.
Hive have a couple of internal functions to achieve this. ROW_NUMBER function, which can generate row number for each partition of data. Although there is no documentation in the official wiki, you can easily find articles regarding use this function to generate row number for the whole table.
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER () as row_num FROM table_name
However, it is reported in some version of Hive that the function has exceptions when used in views or weird behavior, see here. Therefore, it is a quite danger to use this approach right now since your result is unexpected across different version of Hive.
Java Package
Hive is capable of leveraging Java internal packages naturally. By using Java’s UUID, you can directly generate a UUID number for each row as follows.
SELECT regexp_replace(reflect('java.util.UUID','randomUUID'), '-', '') as row_num FROM table_name
As UUID generation logic defines, there are chance of collision. However, it is very low chance.
Hive Mall Ex
Hivemall is a scalable machine learning library that runs on Apache Hive. It has provided a UDF called RowIdUDF. It combines a MapReduce task ID and random number as row.
SELECT rowid() as row_num FROM table_name
Hive Virtual Columns
Hive has provided three virtual columns as follows.
* INPUT__FILE__NAME: Full URI of a file name in HDFS.
* BLOCK__OFFSET__INSIDE__FILE: Byte offset for the block from beginning of the file.
* ROW__OFFSET__INSIDE__BLOCK: Byte offset for the line within the block.
We can always combine three above virtual columns to identify the each line in the table. In addition, we can control the length of this combined value by increasing the number of files (increasing the number of reducers). As result, the offset value becomes smaller for each block. The usage of this approach is as follows. Note, ROW_OFFSET_INSIDE_BLOCK is only available for RCFile or SequenceFile format of data.
SET hive.exec.rowoffset=true;
// Convert file name as number, such as 000001_0 to 10
concat(cast(regexp_replace(reverse(split(reverse(INPUT__FILE__NAME),'/')[0]),'_','') as int),
FROM table_name
Composite Keys
We can use composite key to identify each rows too when your logic does not require a sequence key. Below example is to choose some nature keys with some random seed.
SELECT md5(concat_ws('', cob, rule, cl_id, cast(max(cl_amt) as string), cast(rand(1) as string))) as row_id;
Before Hive ROW_NUMBER() function issue gets fixed, it is recommended to use either Hivemall rowid() or virtual columns. If you need to control the length of row id, you have to use Hive virtual columns approach.